Want to feel confident about tongue tie in breastfeeding infants?

As an IBCLC, CLC, Midwife, Doula, MD, CBE, Chiropractor, PT, OT, SLP Dentist, etc

Families are relying on YOU because tongue ties are being missed or mistreated.

I Didn't Learn About Tongue Tie in School, Did You?g

It can be so frustrating to think that there might be a tongue tie, but you don't feel like it's your place to diagnose, or you're not sure how to assess. There used to be babies that I couldn't help to breastfeed comfortably or efficiently - even as an IBCLC!

Did you know that 90% of tongue tie assessment comes from the interview and watching breastfeeding? I have come to realize that most of the time, an oral exam isn't necessary.

Now I'm sharing my easy method to assess which infants need further evaluation for tongue tie for free.

Lisa Paladino is a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Certified Nurse Midwife, with over 30 years of experience helping new families to breastfeed. In addition to guiding hundreds of parents through pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding, Lisa is an author, lecturer and advocate for tongue tie education and women's health issues.

Educational opportunities include parent and professional courses, The Tongue Tie Experts Podcast, and Tongue Tie Experts on IG, TikTok and Facebook.

Grab the FREE printable
"Tongue Tie Assessment Checklist"


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